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We are a holding of family companies, we have been working since 2007, on buydigi.ru since 2009, we are official dealers of all the largest distributors in the CIS.
Our store has served almost a MILLION purchases only on buydigi.ru
You are purchasing a license key for the Zombillie • Steam Activation •
Publisher: Forever Entertainment S. A.
Developer: Forever Entertainment S. A.
Localization: Полностью на английском языке
Year of publication: 2016
Age rating: 12+
Activation region: RU+CIS
►If you use VPN for activation or create a new account using VPN, VPN will not be able to help you with activation. And we do not guarantee the performance and activation of the game via VPN.
Game Features:
Мир изменился. Совершенно и окончательно. Зеленые парки уступили место серым руинам. Красочные поляны превратились в ядовитые болота. Где раньше была живописная природа, теперь мусор, грязь, булыжники и развалины.
Многие погибли во время Большого изменения, а уцелевшие стали жертвами разных хищников. Но некоторым посчастливилось уцелеть, приспособиться и эволюционировать. Zombillie — одно из таких существ.
Zombillie жил в своей скромной пещере, охотился на животных ради мяса и, чем больше он охотился, тем больше он рос. У Zombillie все было хорошо, кроме одного: ему не хватало мяса!
Помогите Zombillie добраться до легендарной мясной фермы! Перед вами неблизкий путь: более 90 сложных уровней с головоломками и ловушками. Стойте крепко на ногах, на всех 100, и отправляйтесь в путь!
Почти 100 сложных уровней.Три совершенно разных окружения.Можно найти множество бонусов и предметов.Различные уровни.Два дополнительных типа мини-игр.Геймплей, от которого невозможно оторваться.
Additional Information
• You are buying from an international, family-owned company with high values, not from an individual.
• Games that we sell on buydigi.ru - https://buydigi.ru/seller/belconsole/118855
• On the market for more than 10 years. We have served more than 1,000,000 Clients during this time.
• On plati alone we have more than 750,000 sales and more than 5,500 positive reviews over the past year.
• We sell a large range of products at record low prices online.
• The official webmoney Business Level is more than 1200.
• We are the official dealer of all major distributors in the CIS.
• After purchasing, if you are satisfied with everything, please write a review below the product, this is very important to us.
• If you have difficulties with activation, please write below under the product in your correspondence.
• To do this, click on the correspondence button, as shown on this screen http://prntscr.com/gft7zi
• We cannot provide technical support with keys via Skype, telephone, etc. Only by correspondence under the product.
• By making a purchase, you agree with the description of the product and are sure that this is exactly the product you need
• Keys distributed by digital distribution, purchased by mistake (due to the buyer’s carelessness), cannot be exchanged or returned.
• When making a purchase, carefully study the product description - activation regions, release dates (if it is a pre-order), activation platforms.
• You are buying from an international, family-owned company with high values, not from an individual.
• Games that we sell on buydigi.ru - https://buydigi.ru/seller/belconsole/118855
• On the market for more than 10 years. We have served more than 1,000,000 Clients during this time.
• On plati alone we have more than 750,000 sales and more than 5,500 positive reviews over the past year.
• We sell a large range of products at record low prices online.
• The official webmoney Business Level is more than 1200.
• We are the official dealer of all major distributors in the CIS.
• After purchasing, if you are satisfied with everything, please write a review below the product, this is very important to us.
• If you have difficulties with activation, please write below under the product in your correspondence.
• To do this, click on the correspondence button, as shown on this screen http://prntscr.com/gft7zi
• We cannot provide technical support with keys via Skype, telephone, etc. Only by correspondence under the product.
• By making a purchase, you agree with the description of the product and are sure that this is exactly the product you need
• Keys distributed by digital distribution, purchased by mistake (due to the buyer’s carelessness), cannot be exchanged or returned.
• When making a purchase, carefully study the product description - activation regions, release dates (if it is a pre-order), activation platforms.