The task of the history of the state and law of foreign countries. B. 4.

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1. Analyze the article "Salic truth" relating to criminal law. What types of offenses and penalties allocates "Salic law"? What penalties are provided "Salic law" for the person who committed the murder? What factors depended on the severity of the punishment? What is the punishment took place in fines? Who should pay the part of the fine, which was not able to pay himself guilty?

2. Analyze the situation of the US Constitution, relating to the US Congress. What is the procedure of formation of the House of Representatives and the Senate? Is the representation of individual states in each of the chambers? What are the requirements the Constitution to individuals running for office representatives and senators? What are the similarities and differences of powers of the upper and lower houses of the US Congress?

3. Compare the legal consolidation of the transition of legislative powers to the government in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.


1. General History of State and Law. Ed. Batir KI M., 1996.

2. State the right of the bourgeois and the newly independent countries. Ed. BA Starodub and VE Chirkina - M .: Higher School. - 1986.

3. History of State and Law of Foreign Countries / Edited by: O. Jidkova, NA rasheninnikovoy - M .: Publishing Group NORMA-INFRA-M. - 1998.

4. The collection of documents on the history of state and law of foreign countries. Compilers IS Pristansky, VN Strunnikov. M., 1993.

Completion date - 2006, evaluation - credit.