🟡YandexPlus🟡60 days | Promo code
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🔴it will be necessary to tie up a bank card, you can make a debut!Гарантия
Performance guarantee for the entire period ⛔
1. Yandex.Music: access to 60,000,000 tracks, podcast collections, smart playlists, editorial selections
2. KinoPoisk HD: thousands of movies and TV series with your favorite voice acting or in the original, on all devices and without ads
3. Yandex Go Taxi: 10% cashback points for trips in Comfort classes.
4. Yandex Afisha: cashback points up to 10% for the purchase of tickets for events.
5. Yandex.Market: cashback points up to 5% for the purchase of goods with a special mark on the Market
6. Yandex Drive: 5% cashback points according to the "Fix" tariff.
7. The score in the plus: 300