WiFi (4G) intv - minir card - 10usd

If the total amount of your purchases from the seller www.intv.ru more than:
- 91779 ₽ the discount is 10%
- 45890 ₽ the discount is 7%
- 18356 ₽ the discount is 6%
- 9178 ₽ the discount is 5%

Sold 702
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 51
Bad feedbacks 2

"Minir card" - a convenient and cost-effective means for recharging sites: www.intv.ru (to disable ads and 4G to connect) and www.agitmedia.com (to place their ads on the site inTv). Fill up balance on INTV, you can order a free unique simcard intv and take advantage of all its capabilities. More info is available from the manager: http://www.intv.ru/u2. Minir card - it's also a great gift, for example the girl or her mother - if you want that it does not take the trouble to all sorts of electronic currency or credit cards or sms, and could receive advanced features access to the Internet and INTV.

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