Wargame: Airland Battle / STEAM Gift RUSSIA

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Всего продано 6
Возвратов 0
Хороших отзывов 0
Плохих отзывов 0

Этот подарок может быть активирован только в этих странах: Россия
Языки игры: Как в STEAM


Richer, more beautiful and more accessible, Wargame AirLand Battle is the sequel to the explosive real-time strategy game Wargame European Escalation!

1985. After several months of tension between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, an incident in the North Sea suddenly sets the world on fire, starting an all-out war.
Command the entire military resources of the period, and plunge into the heart of a new dynamic campaign! With the arrival of air forces, select from a phenomenal array of 750 units (including tanks, planes, helicopters, and infantry) to build your army. Engage in spectacular battles with unmatched strategic depth, on huge battlefields as large as 150km², powered by a new graphics engine.

Impressive in solo play, Wargame AirLand Battle is even more engaging online. The game features ultra-complete multiplayer modes, where up to 20 players do battle simultaneously!

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4) После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете скачать её со steam