Vasilenko AG The legal regime of state-owned land

Vasilenko AG The legal regime of public lands in pre-revolutionary Russia - the instrument of state policy: Diss. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences. - Stavropol: Stavropol State University, 2004. - 189 p.

12.00.01, 12.00.06


Chapter I. Theoretical basis of the legal regime of the state LANDS

§ 1. The concept of the essence of the legal regime of land

§ 2. The regulation of the legal regime of the land

§ 3. The right to public property as an essential element of the legal regime of public lands

CHAPTER II. State-owned land in Russia in the XII century - first half of XVII century and their legal regime

§ 1. Historical and legal preconditions for the emergence and development of land ownership in classical antiquity and Ancient Russia

§ 2. The legal regime of certain categories of public lands in the XII century - first half of XVII century

CHAPTER III. LEGAL REGIME OF RUSSIAN public lands in second half XVII century - the beginning of XX century

§ 1. The development of the institute of land ownership in the period of absolutism, and the transition to a bourgeois monarchy (the second half of XVII - beginning of XX century)

§ 2. Policy colonization of the territory of the Russian state

§ 3. The legal regime of certain categories of public lands in the second half XVII - early XX centuries

CHAPTER IV. State land management

§ 1. Management Objects

§ 2. Controls

§ 3. Methods of management of public lands

§ 4. Accounting for government land



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