Vedomosti - The first Russian printed newspaper (1703)

The original name - "Bulletin of the military and other matters worthy of knowledge and memory that occurred in Muscovy and in other neighboring countries." This is the first Russian printed newspaper (before this came out only handwritten "Chimes").
The first issue was published January 2, 1703 and the cost is quite expensive - from 2 to 8 "money" (money accounted for 3 monthly salary typesetter "Vedomosti"). The newspaper was a small booklet half the size of a modern typewritten pages and up to 22 pages.
In 1703 came a circulation of 39 rooms ranging from 300 to 1,000 copies. First published statement on the church font Moscow printing house, then - after the transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg - the civil font.
In the first place the military published the news