Lesson №55. (Lessons on SolidWorks)

Урок №55. Построение дверного блока в программе SolidWorks от А до Я (ЧАСТЬ №1)
Video tutorial on building door unit in the program SolidWorks. In previous lessons, we mainly considered point approaches for working with CAD tool SolidWorks. I have accumulated certain base classes, which allows you to master the basic approaches and basic tools for working with SolidWorks. Next I want to create a series of lessons "applied nature". In this lesson, (55) we will start the construction of the door unit from A to Z.

As a result, the output we get the door unit (cloth + box + casing) with parametric equations, drawings and specifications that have feedback and builds models of the project. This lesson shows a full cycle of construction of the first assembly (leaf) ...