Управленческий анализ в отраслях тест
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The economic system is:
1) the set of elements that are in relationships and connections between them;
2) a system of special knowledge relating to the study of economic processes and yavle¬ny;
3) a process by which to assess the past and current financial polo¬zhenie.
The law of composition:
1) states that any system tends to maintain itself as a holistic education;
2) reflects the need to harmonize the goals of the economic system and its components;
3) characterizes the relation between the elements of economic system.
The systems approach is the study:
1) the study of phenomena and processes in dynamics, determination of cause-effect relationships in the phenomena;
2) specific analytical procedures;
3) formulation of local and systemic goals.
The organizational structure consists of:
1) manage and control subsystems;
2) management subsystem;
3) controlled subsystem.
Process control functions are:
1) regulation, planning, accounting, monitoring and forecasting;
2) regulation and control;
3) planning, accounting and forecasting.
Task 2
Tactical management tasks are:
1) efficient use of its own funds, to ensure a favorable investment climate;
2) the achievement of financial results, reinvestment of profit;
3) assessment of the financial polo¬zheniya.
The law of self-preservation:
1) states that any system tends to maintain itself as a holistic education;
2) reflects the need to harmonize the goals of the economic system and its components;
3) characterizes the relation between the elements of economic system.
The strategy takes into account the enterprise:
1) the results of the planned tasks, organization management and marketing;
2) specific analytical procedures;
3) local and systemic objectives of the enterprise.
The organizational structure consists of:
1) manage and control subsystems;
2) management subsystem;
3) internal and external relations.
Indicative plan:
1) is not binding for is¬polneniya character;
2) required for execution;
3) executed in the presence of the directive.
Activity 3
Grouping costs in managerial accounting is as follows:
1) fixed, variable and mixed costs;
2) direct and indirect costs;
3) fully, partially and poorly regulated;
4) all of the above groups.
Objectives of budgeting is:
1) Ensure that the head of appropriate information to make management decisions;
2) improving the efficiency of the use of material and financial resources, assets;
3) monitor the activities of competitors.
The indicative budget is:
1) long-term budget;
2) short-term budgets;
3) budgets above.
Depending on the purpose of calculation are distinguished:
1) planned, estimated and actual costing;
2) Process cost calculation and custom;
3) single-stage, two-stage and multi-stage calculation.
Budgeting - is:
1) the rules governing the procedure of budgeting;
2) technique of financial planning, accounting and control;
3) the rules governing the control over the execution of planned targets.
Task 4
The legislative plan:
1) is not binding for is¬polneniya character;
2) required for execution;
3) executed in the presence of the directive.
The essence of the method pozakaznogo cost accounting and calculation of production costs is as follows:
1) direct costs are included in the context of the established accounting articles on individual production orders, the remaining costs are included in places of origin and included in the cost of certain Zack-call in accordance with established bazoyraspredeleniya;
2) direct expenses related to the cost of the finished product, indirect
The economic system is:
1) the set of elements that are in relationships and connections between them;
2) a system of special knowledge relating to the study of economic processes and yavle¬ny;
3) a process by which to assess the past and current financial polo¬zhenie.
The law of composition:
1) states that any system tends to maintain itself as a holistic education;
2) reflects the need to harmonize the goals of the economic system and its components;
3) characterizes the relation between the elements of economic system.
The systems approach is the study:
1) the study of phenomena and processes in dynamics, determination of cause-effect relationships in the phenomena;
2) specific analytical procedures;
3) formulation of local and systemic goals.
The organizational structure consists of:
1) manage and control subsystems;
2) management subsystem;
3) controlled subsystem.
Process control functions are:
1) regulation, planning, accounting, monitoring and forecasting;
2) regulation and control;
3) planning, accounting and forecasting.
Task 2
Tactical management tasks are:
1) efficient use of its own funds, to ensure a favorable investment climate;
2) the achievement of financial results, reinvestment of profit;
3) assessment of the financial polo¬zheniya.
The law of self-preservation:
1) states that any system tends to maintain itself as a holistic education;
2) reflects the need to harmonize the goals of the economic system and its components;
3) characterizes the relation between the elements of economic system.
The strategy takes into account the enterprise:
1) the results of the planned tasks, organization management and marketing;
2) specific analytical procedures;
3) local and systemic objectives of the enterprise.
The organizational structure consists of:
1) manage and control subsystems;
2) management subsystem;
3) internal and external relations.
Indicative plan:
1) is not binding for is¬polneniya character;
2) required for execution;
3) executed in the presence of the directive.
Activity 3
Grouping costs in managerial accounting is as follows:
1) fixed, variable and mixed costs;
2) direct and indirect costs;
3) fully, partially and poorly regulated;
4) all of the above groups.
Objectives of budgeting is:
1) Ensure that the head of appropriate information to make management decisions;
2) improving the efficiency of the use of material and financial resources, assets;
3) monitor the activities of competitors.
The indicative budget is:
1) long-term budget;
2) short-term budgets;
3) budgets above.
Depending on the purpose of calculation are distinguished:
1) planned, estimated and actual costing;
2) Process cost calculation and custom;
3) single-stage, two-stage and multi-stage calculation.
Budgeting - is:
1) the rules governing the procedure of budgeting;
2) technique of financial planning, accounting and control;
3) the rules governing the control over the execution of planned targets.
Task 4
The legislative plan:
1) is not binding for is¬polneniya character;
2) required for execution;
3) executed in the presence of the directive.
The essence of the method pozakaznogo cost accounting and calculation of production costs is as follows:
1) direct costs are included in the context of the established accounting articles on individual production orders, the remaining costs are included in places of origin and included in the cost of certain Zack-call in accordance with established bazoyraspredeleniya;
2) direct expenses related to the cost of the finished product, indirect