UNLOCK Huawei E5330 (MTS 424D)

ATTENTION !!! ONLY TO 31.12.2014g. The tremendous discount. PRICE CODE 200 rubles no longer as before, but only 90 rubles. Before you make an order please read the item description.

Unlock modem Huawei E5330 (MTS 424D). Unlock Huawei E5330 modem from any operator (on which your modem is locked) is carried out by using a unique IMEI code NCK received specifically for your modem. Answer format contains the following information: Unlock Code: ********

Where Unlock Code - Unlock Code. To unlock the modem simply insert the sim-card of another operator, a window appears with the input field. Enter the code in the window. If the code request is not displayed, you can enter the unlock code via the terminal program, for example, HyperTerminal, PuTTy, Huawei Modem Terminal and others. With the command:

AT ^ CARDLOCK = "nck code" - unlocking where nck code - code that you bought.


Supported modems


Huawei E5330, MTS 424D.

CAUTION We strongly recommend to unlock the modem to any manipulation of it (flashing, etc.) After the successful unlock procedure, you can safely change the modem firmware version, the status of the lock is no longer affected.

You get a code for 5 minutes to 6 hours.

Before making a purchase, check whether there are any in the modem attempts to enter the code!

If you have any problems please contact us by e-mail or ICQ. After receiving the goods, please leave a big tip. Before leaving negative feedback please contact me and together we will investigate what causes it.

Who made the order after 23:00 Moscow time code is received after 9:00. Weekend Saturday and Sunday to give the code will be slight delays.
Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill in the registration data, which will have to fill the following fields:

- E-mail address (email);


These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the transaction of sale of goods.