Unlock code Router ZTE MF90 / MTS 831FT

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Using this product you can get the unlock code for ZTE MF90 Mobile router and its direct analog MTS 831FT. If you have another type of router, you do not purchase the product.

To obtain the code necessary to unlock:
1. Download the file https://3ginfo.ru/downloads1531.html, in which the application MF90 Reader Tool Service drivers and instructions.
2. When all the tasks in accordance with the testing instructions, you will get a result like this:

IMEI: 8641xxxxxxxxxxx
Firmware: _MTS_831V1.0.0B05
Unlock attempts: 09
Status: Locked
Encrypted: 2B8E097xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3. Pay attention to the line IMEI - it bear your modem, Firmware - firmware, Unlock attepmts - the number of attempts to enter the unlock code (!) Value should not be zero (!), Status - lock status should be Locked and a string Encrypted - should not be empty.

4. After the payment you will need to fill out a form in which it will be compulsory fields IMEI and Encrypted, whose values you got in step 2.

5. Fill out the form and wait for an answer to the unlock code from 1 to 2 days, the code will be sent to you by e-mail specified at purchase

6. After receiving the unlock code to insert the modem simkarty "foreign" operator and in the window that appears in the web interface, enter the code.

warning (!)

Do not make the purchase if:
- The model is different from your modem ZTE MF90 or MTS 831FT,
- You are not subtracted from the data modem, ie you do not have IMEI and Encrypted Data
- Your modem is no longer attempts to enter the unlock code
- You have repeatedly reflash the modem
Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill in the registration data, which will have to fill the following fields:
- E-mail address (email);
- Model of the modem;
- Encrypted;
- Contact number;
These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the transaction of sale and purchase of goods.