Criminal-legal characteristics of hostage-taking

Table of contents

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of criminal law on liability for hostage-taking 5
1.1. The history of the development of criminal law on liability for hostage-taking 5
1.2. Hostage-taking as a type of criminal offense 12
Chapter 2. Description of the corpus delicti under Art. 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 17
2.1. Object and objective signs of hostage-taking 17
2.2. Subject and subjective signs of hostage-taking 23
Conclusion 31
List of sources used 33
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of criminal law on liability for hostage-taking 5
1.1. The history of the development of criminal law on liability for hostage-taking 5
1.2. Hostage-taking as a type of criminal offense 12
Chapter 2. Description of the corpus delicti under Art. 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 17
2.1. Object and objective signs of hostage-taking 17
2.2. Subject and subjective signs of hostage-taking 23
Conclusion 31
List of sources used 33