Уголовная ответственность за убийство

Voldimarova NG

Criminal responsibility for the killing in excess of self-defense


Diss. ... Kand.yurid.nauk


220 p.


Chapter I. Socio-legal nature of the institution of self-defense under the laws of the Russian Federation

§ 1. The social nature and importance of self-defense in the Russian criminal law

§ 2. Problems of social and legal assessment of the conditions and limits of the legitimacy of self-defense

Chapter II. The composition of the murder with excessive force in the crimes against life

§ 1. Place the composition of murder with excessive force in the crimes against life

§ 2. Features objective evidence of murder by exceeding the limits of necessary defense

§ 3. Features of subjective symptoms murder at excess of limits of necessary defense

Chapter III. Topical issues of criminal responsibility for the killing in excess of self-defense

§ 1. The ratio of self-defense with other criminal defenses

§ 2. Differentiation of murder with excessive force to the adjacent structures of crimes

§ 3. Special questions of qualification murder at excess of limits of necessary defense

§ 4. Problems sentencing for murder at excess of limits of necessary defense


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