9th grade student captains walking by
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A student of the 9th grade of Captains, passing by his classmate Sukhov, who was standing with a girl from the 7th grade, laughed at the fact that he got in touch with the youngster. Sukhov was offended by this and, a few days later, he, along with his friends, dragged Kapitanov to the school yard in order to avenge his insult. After they hit each other several times, the Captains fell and did not rise again. According to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, the death of Kapitanov came from an extensive hemorrhage that arose as a result of a congenital decrease in the vessels of the brain. There is also an abrasion in the right temporal region of the head, which was formed as a result of a sliding stroke of a blunt solid object shortly before or at the time of death.
Identify the signs of the subjective side of the act of Sukhov.
Identify the signs of the subjective side of the act of Sukhov.
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