Typology of states (2016)
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Introduction 1
1. The concept and essence of the state 3
2. The concept of the type of state 6
3. The main approaches in the typology of states 10
3.1. Formation approach 10
3.2. Civilization approach 20
Conclusion 23
References 25
1. Alekseev S.S. The general theory of law. T.1. - M .: Lawyer, 2001. - 630 p.
2. Babayev V.K. The general theory of law. - M .: Yurist, 2012. - 556 p.
3. Vengerov A.B. Theory of State and Law. Issue 1. - M .: Norma, 2012. - 705 p.
4. Komarov S.A., Malko A.V. Theory of State and Law. Teaching manual. Short textbook for universities. - M .: Publishing group Norma, Infra-M., 2012. - 448 p.
5. Komarov S.A. General Theory of State and Law: Textbook 7th ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2004. - 512 p.
6. Klimenko S.V., Chicherin A.L. Basics of state and law. - M .: Publishing house "Mirror", 2013. - 354 p.
7. Lazarev V.V. The general theory of state and law. Subject 5. - M .: Prospect, 2010. - 268 p.
8. Lazarev V.V., Lipen S.V. Theory of State and Law. Readings in 2 volumes. - M .: Yurist, 2001. - 620 p.
9. Malko A. Theory of State and Law in Questions and Answers. - M .: Publishing house: Yurist, 2014. - 776 p.
10. Marchenko M.N. Theory of State and Law. - M .: Zertsalo, 2011. - 476 p.
11. Matuzov N.N., Malko A.V. Theory of State and Law. Lecture course. 2nd ed. - M .: Yurayt, 2002 - 551 p.
12. Oksamytny V.V. Theory of State and Law: A textbook for university students. - M .: Publishing house "IMPE - PABLISH", 2014. - 563 p.
13. Titov Yu.P. History of state and law of Russia. - M .: Science, 2003. -812 p.
14. Khazhipov R.Kh. Theory of State and Law. Educational - methodical manual. - Ufa: RIO BAGSU, 2005. - 159 p.
15. Khropanyuk V.N. Theory of State and Law. Reader tutorial (sections 1-5). - M .: Zertsalo, 2004. - 345 p.
Introduction 1
1. The concept and essence of the state 3
2. The concept of the type of state 6
3. The main approaches in the typology of states 10
3.1. Formation approach 10
3.2. Civilization approach 20
Conclusion 23
References 25
1. Alekseev S.S. The general theory of law. T.1. - M .: Lawyer, 2001. - 630 p.
2. Babayev V.K. The general theory of law. - M .: Yurist, 2012. - 556 p.
3. Vengerov A.B. Theory of State and Law. Issue 1. - M .: Norma, 2012. - 705 p.
4. Komarov S.A., Malko A.V. Theory of State and Law. Teaching manual. Short textbook for universities. - M .: Publishing group Norma, Infra-M., 2012. - 448 p.
5. Komarov S.A. General Theory of State and Law: Textbook 7th ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2004. - 512 p.
6. Klimenko S.V., Chicherin A.L. Basics of state and law. - M .: Publishing house "Mirror", 2013. - 354 p.
7. Lazarev V.V. The general theory of state and law. Subject 5. - M .: Prospect, 2010. - 268 p.
8. Lazarev V.V., Lipen S.V. Theory of State and Law. Readings in 2 volumes. - M .: Yurist, 2001. - 620 p.
9. Malko A. Theory of State and Law in Questions and Answers. - M .: Publishing house: Yurist, 2014. - 776 p.
10. Marchenko M.N. Theory of State and Law. - M .: Zertsalo, 2011. - 476 p.
11. Matuzov N.N., Malko A.V. Theory of State and Law. Lecture course. 2nd ed. - M .: Yurayt, 2002 - 551 p.
12. Oksamytny V.V. Theory of State and Law: A textbook for university students. - M .: Publishing house "IMPE - PABLISH", 2014. - 563 p.
13. Titov Yu.P. History of state and law of Russia. - M .: Science, 2003. -812 p.
14. Khazhipov R.Kh. Theory of State and Law. Educational - methodical manual. - Ufa: RIO BAGSU, 2005. - 159 p.
15. Khropanyuk V.N. Theory of State and Law. Reader tutorial (sections 1-5). - M .: Zertsalo, 2004. - 345 p.
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