Two Point Campus School Spirits
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Haunted by unwelcome and undead spirits the estate needs your help for a new lease on the afterlife
A New Campus Location
2 New Courses
2 New Fully Animated Classrooms
2 New Student Archetypes
A New Challenge Mode Level
And Lots Of New Items
Lifeless Estate
The lawn may be lacklustre and the surfaces strangely gooey but all of the problems come back to the ghosts You could say that possession is nine tenths of its flaws There Ive said it
The last heir to the estate Lady Lifeless had hoped to spend her afteryears catching up with her reading and floating tastefully around the garden Instead her rest is routinely ruined by rude spirits with even worse tablemanners
Tackle the paranormal pest problem learn what it means to be dead and help the estate rest peacefully once again
Paranormal Detection
There was debate in the County for a number of years surrounding the existence of ghosts Thanks to science that debate is now long finished ghosts are a real and genuine nuisance You cant wipe away the regrets and resentment of vengeful spirits but now you can bottle them up a bit like they did
School Spirits
Being dead isnt as easy as everyone makes it seem Its hard to rest in peace with a life deaths worth of questions on your mind Where am I Why did I say that one thing when I was 24 Did I leave the oven on etc Fortunately you can learn anything in Two Point County even how to be dead
Expulsion Ceremonies Have students cleanse a new area for campus construction by running an Expulsion Ceremony to remove the unwelcome spirit residing there
Hauntings Some ghosts may haunt a specific room causing unnecessary student suffering Send in your trusty trained janitors to dehaunt the room and capture the ghost
A brand new Challenge Mode level train janitors and dehaunt rooms to capture as many ghosts as possible in a yearlong battle with the dead
▪️ Name:Two Point Campus School Spirits
▪️ Platforms:XboxOne, XboxSeriesX, PC
▪️ Guarantees: Yes
▪️ Activation: Microsoft (Xbox)
▪️ Validity: Unlimited
▪️ Product Type: Service or Code
▪️ Activation Region: The region will be in the description after purchase.
▪️ After successful activation, you can turn off the IP
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