Trast Base v.1

Sold 5
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0

The database is designed to promote sites in search engines for LF, MF and HF requests, as well as increasing the performance of TIC, PR and Yandex Rank by manual placement of links to reputable sites.

The base tested on noindex, nofollow, redirect and robots.txt.

Sites do not require backlinks (donors);

Links are free of charge and for all;

There are detailed instructions that makes posting links is not difficult even for inexperienced web-masters;

The possibility of linking with the right anchor text for more than 80% of sites (promotes growth in search of high, mid and low demand);


Features Base:


Number of sites in the database 100

Maximum TIC 1100

Middle TIC: 679

Minimum TIC: 0 - at the same site but PR 4

The presence of a site in Yandex catalog: 62

Availability of sites in DMOZ: 39

The database contains 75 sites where you can put a link with anchor text.

The results of the run


1. Building a natural reference weight

2. Promotion of low demand

3. Wake up the TCI 10 to 40

4. Wake up PR from 0 to 4

5. Conclusion of the ban Yandex and Google