"TRANSFORMER" Dmitry Portnyagin audio mp3

Annotation for the book "Transformer"
Dmitry Portnyagin is a business blogger # 1 in Russia in terms of audience reach, a dollar millionaire, the founder of the logistics company TransitPlus.
Dmitry Portnyagin - a simple guy from Tynda who lost his father early and found himself in a difficult situation, surrounded by people without goals, was able to lift himself by the collar and lead to his dream - to be rich and famous.
His path is a road of constant challenges to himself, harsh lessons and important conclusions. In the book, Dmitry reveals himself to the readers, shows his good sides and not very much, shares his inner feelings and simultaneously lights his heart with his incredible energy, leadership thinking, inspires to achieve high results.
In the course of the narrative Dmitry deduces 40 own rules for achieving the best results in business, they are highlighted in the form of keys to the chapters. It is the essence of his ten years of incredible experience in his own business.
If you do not have enough motivation, resources, understanding how to create a business from scratch and promote it to the leading position in the market, how to start a new life that you have always dreamed of - this book is the best gift you can make yourself.