Test of Educational Law
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This paper presents the answers to the following questions:
1.Typical provision on educational institution does not regulate the activities of the following educational institutions:
a) Initial, primary and secondary school.
b) Grammar school.
c) Lyceum.
d) Sunday School.
e) Secondary school with in-depth study of specific subjects
2.Trёhurovnevaya system of higher education, quality assurance in higher education, the Diploma Supplement are mandatory parameters ...
a) The globalization of education.
b) the modernization of education.
c) the integration processes in the world educational space.
d) educational process.
e) of the Bologna process.
3.Federalnye state educational standards are designed to provide ...
a) The unity of the Russian socio-cultural space.
b) A single level of training of graduates for each stage of education.
c) Continuity of education, unity of educational space of the Russian Federation.
d) Pluralism, diversity of education received by the citizens of the Russian Federation.
e) A single state ideology.
4. In the 43rd article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not placed ...
a) The right of every citizen to education.
b) The right of parents (legal representatives) of students for participation in the public administration of educational institutions.
c) Obligation to basic education.
d) Presence in the Russian federal state educational standards.
e) guarantee accessible and free pre-school, basic and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions.
5.Ierarhiya normative documents on education (in descending priority).
a) RF Law "On Education"; (2)
b) Standard provision on educational institution; (4)
c) Convention on the Rights of the Child; (1)
d) Statute of the educational institution. (5)
e) federal state educational standards; (3)
6.K basic documents regulating the content of education, ARE NOT ...
a) educational standards.
b) The educational program.
c) curriculum.
d) Teaching Materials.
7. In the main tasks of the Federal target program of education development for 2011 - 2015 does not enter ...
a) Development of the system of education quality assessment and demand for educational services.
b) Reduction of the content and structure of vocational education in line with labor market needs.
c) The expansion of the network of educational institutions, increasing the number of educational institutions.
d) Modernization of general and pre-school education as the Institute for Social Development.
8.Prioritetnymi in Russian education is ...
a) The interests and needs of participants in the educational process.
b) Features of the education system.
c) the interests of man, society and the state.
d) The needs of social and economic development of the Federation.
e) The needs of the national economy and national security interests.
9.Obrazovanie, according to the RF Law "On Education".
a) purposeful process of education and training.
b) The system of educational institutions.
c) The formation of the human personality.
d) The process of assimilation of human knowledge and experience. !? (In part)
e) The entry of the person in the system of social relations.
10.Primery implementation of public education management in the Russian Federation.
a) a single state policy in the field of education, the federal target program for the development of education.
b) Charter of the educational institution, the board of the educational institution, the presence of non-state educational institutions.
c) The state licensing and accreditation of educational institutions.
d) RF Law "On Education", the federal state educational standards.
11.Suschnost and principles of the state policy in the field
1.Typical provision on educational institution does not regulate the activities of the following educational institutions:
a) Initial, primary and secondary school.
b) Grammar school.
c) Lyceum.
d) Sunday School.
e) Secondary school with in-depth study of specific subjects
2.Trёhurovnevaya system of higher education, quality assurance in higher education, the Diploma Supplement are mandatory parameters ...
a) The globalization of education.
b) the modernization of education.
c) the integration processes in the world educational space.
d) educational process.
e) of the Bologna process.
3.Federalnye state educational standards are designed to provide ...
a) The unity of the Russian socio-cultural space.
b) A single level of training of graduates for each stage of education.
c) Continuity of education, unity of educational space of the Russian Federation.
d) Pluralism, diversity of education received by the citizens of the Russian Federation.
e) A single state ideology.
4. In the 43rd article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not placed ...
a) The right of every citizen to education.
b) The right of parents (legal representatives) of students for participation in the public administration of educational institutions.
c) Obligation to basic education.
d) Presence in the Russian federal state educational standards.
e) guarantee accessible and free pre-school, basic and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions.
5.Ierarhiya normative documents on education (in descending priority).
a) RF Law "On Education"; (2)
b) Standard provision on educational institution; (4)
c) Convention on the Rights of the Child; (1)
d) Statute of the educational institution. (5)
e) federal state educational standards; (3)
6.K basic documents regulating the content of education, ARE NOT ...
a) educational standards.
b) The educational program.
c) curriculum.
d) Teaching Materials.
7. In the main tasks of the Federal target program of education development for 2011 - 2015 does not enter ...
a) Development of the system of education quality assessment and demand for educational services.
b) Reduction of the content and structure of vocational education in line with labor market needs.
c) The expansion of the network of educational institutions, increasing the number of educational institutions.
d) Modernization of general and pre-school education as the Institute for Social Development.
8.Prioritetnymi in Russian education is ...
a) The interests and needs of participants in the educational process.
b) Features of the education system.
c) the interests of man, society and the state.
d) The needs of social and economic development of the Federation.
e) The needs of the national economy and national security interests.
9.Obrazovanie, according to the RF Law "On Education".
a) purposeful process of education and training.
b) The system of educational institutions.
c) The formation of the human personality.
d) The process of assimilation of human knowledge and experience. !? (In part)
e) The entry of the person in the system of social relations.
10.Primery implementation of public education management in the Russian Federation.
a) a single state policy in the field of education, the federal target program for the development of education.
b) Charter of the educational institution, the board of the educational institution, the presence of non-state educational institutions.
c) The state licensing and accreditation of educational institutions.
d) RF Law "On Education", the federal state educational standards.
11.Suschnost and principles of the state policy in the field
13.K European system of higher education does not apply ...
a) Doctoral.
b) Master.
c) Bakalavariat.
d) Speciality.
14.Obscheobrazovatelnymi institutions in Russia are ...
a) kindergarten and secondary school.
b) Secondary school, high school, high school, progymnasium.
c) School, High School, High School.
d) Children's camp, children's home.
e) The school with in-depth study of specific subjects, vocational school.
15.Osnovnaya the idea of \u200b\u200bstate-public education management.
a) Combining the efforts of state and society in addressing the problems of education.
b) Inclusion of parents and the community in the management of educational institutions.
c) The division of responsibility for the results of education between government officials, educators and the public.
d) Provision of democratization and humanization of education.
16.K the education system in the Russian Federation NOT APPLY ...
a) public and state-society organizations operating in the field of education.
b) Government control of education.
c) network of educational institutions and research organizations.
d) a specialized manufacturer of literature, equipment and software for education.
e) the continuity of educational standards and programs of different types, levels, directions
References: 6 sources
Volume: 6 pages
14 size, half interval, GOST-clearance
Date of writing work: 2014
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The work is protected at the "excellent"
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13.K European system of higher education does not apply ...
a) Doctoral.
b) Master.
c) Bakalavariat.
d) Speciality.
14.Obscheobrazovatelnymi institutions in Russia are ...
a) kindergarten and secondary school.
b) Secondary school, high school, high school, progymnasium.
c) School, High School, High School.
d) Children's camp, children's home.
e) The school with in-depth study of specific subjects, vocational school.
15.Osnovnaya the idea of \u200b\u200bstate-public education management.
a) Combining the efforts of state and society in addressing the problems of education.
b) Inclusion of parents and the community in the management of educational institutions.
c) The division of responsibility for the results of education between government officials, educators and the public.
d) Provision of democratization and humanization of education.
16.K the education system in the Russian Federation NOT APPLY ...
a) public and state-society organizations operating in the field of education.
b) Government control of education.
c) network of educational institutions and research organizations.
d) a specialized manufacturer of literature, equipment and software for education.
e) the continuity of educational standards and programs of different types, levels, directions
References: 6 sources
Volume: 6 pages
14 size, half interval, GOST-clearance
Date of writing work: 2014
Present footnote
The work is protected at the "excellent"
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1) This work was his own and not a copy (borrowing) from the Internet.
2) Originality of the work at the time of writing and placed on sale is greater than 50% of Antiplagiat.ru and ETXT-antiplagiat.
3) If the original work at the time of sale will be equal to 0-20%, the seller will give you back your money paid.
4) for the positive feedback on this product you get a 10% discount on the purchase of another product of the same seller (AntonV2).
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