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1.Mirovoy religion is ?:
2.Ponyatie "Tao" means ?:
3.Kniga, which sets out the fundamentals of Islam are called?
4.Slova "I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt and walk away, give him your cloak "belong?
5. "Taoism originated" in?
6.Grecheskie city-state (polis) in any period?
7. "wrong" in terms of the form of the state is Aristotle?
8. In Buddhism and Hinduism there is such a thing as "karma". It means?
9.Kastovy system - a common feature of many ancient eastern civilizations, but most powerfully manifested in it?
10. "bad", like "degenerate" forms of government Aristotle considered: 1) tyranny, 2) extreme democracy, 3) the oligarchy?
11. Disclaimer of lust for life, the desire for the pleasures of life, which you can get rid of, only selected "the eightfold path of salvation" is a basic principle?
12.Politicheskaya thought the ancient East is inextricably linked with?
13. The essence of Roman law is?
14) Aristotle developed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe state and political structure of society in his work?
15. In 1830-ies. German historian IG Droizen introduced the concept of "ellignizm" to describe
16.Vedy - is it?
17.Mirovoy religion is?
18. The two biggest trends in Islam?
19.K monuments of ancient Egyptian literature refers?
20. As Nestorians perceived and interpreted the image of Christ?
21. Confucius (551-479 BC.) Has created the ideal of the perfect man (tszyn tzu), which should be different in two main advantages:
22. The form of government in which there is a bureaucratic monarchy with a strictly centralized and numerous bureaucratic apparatus, the economic basis of which is state land ownership, taxes, and the spoils of war - it
23. In 335 BC. e. Aristotle returned to Athens and founded a school. She got a name?
24. An early form of religion associated with the worship of how - or real subjects and endowing them with supernatural properties, called?
25.Samoe large state based of the Germans in the early Middle Ages?
26.Slovo "democracy" meant the ancient Greeks?
27Lyudi period of antiquity called their northern neighbors "barbarians" for?
28. Ana and conversations of Confucius, the founder of the religious and ethical teachings of Confucianism called?
29. The community of property proclaimed (-a, -o)
30.Osobennosti Roman law: 1) meticulous regulation of private property, 2) the importance attached to formal moment, the faithful application of terminology 3) distinct character of the slave, the connection with the religious representatives of the Romans?
31. At the heart of dogmatism lie?
32. "Tao Tsang" - is it?
33. The ancient Greek philosopher, author of the famous dictum "Man - the measure of all things" - is
34.Dlya history of political and legal doctrines supporting base are:
35. The Greek polis - a
36. Aristotle believed the most useful class of society such as
37.Opredelenie: "The direction to consider political organization of society as a complex of various associations of citizens - institutions" refers to
38. The struggle for existence is the main factor of social life count?
39. The leader of the Federalists was
2.Ponyatie "Tao" means ?:
3.Kniga, which sets out the fundamentals of Islam are called?
4.Slova "I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt and walk away, give him your cloak "belong?
5. "Taoism originated" in?
6.Grecheskie city-state (polis) in any period?
7. "wrong" in terms of the form of the state is Aristotle?
8. In Buddhism and Hinduism there is such a thing as "karma". It means?
9.Kastovy system - a common feature of many ancient eastern civilizations, but most powerfully manifested in it?
10. "bad", like "degenerate" forms of government Aristotle considered: 1) tyranny, 2) extreme democracy, 3) the oligarchy?
11. Disclaimer of lust for life, the desire for the pleasures of life, which you can get rid of, only selected "the eightfold path of salvation" is a basic principle?
12.Politicheskaya thought the ancient East is inextricably linked with?
13. The essence of Roman law is?
14) Aristotle developed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe state and political structure of society in his work?
15. In 1830-ies. German historian IG Droizen introduced the concept of "ellignizm" to describe
16.Vedy - is it?
17.Mirovoy religion is?
18. The two biggest trends in Islam?
19.K monuments of ancient Egyptian literature refers?
20. As Nestorians perceived and interpreted the image of Christ?
21. Confucius (551-479 BC.) Has created the ideal of the perfect man (tszyn tzu), which should be different in two main advantages:
22. The form of government in which there is a bureaucratic monarchy with a strictly centralized and numerous bureaucratic apparatus, the economic basis of which is state land ownership, taxes, and the spoils of war - it
23. In 335 BC. e. Aristotle returned to Athens and founded a school. She got a name?
24. An early form of religion associated with the worship of how - or real subjects and endowing them with supernatural properties, called?
25.Samoe large state based of the Germans in the early Middle Ages?
26.Slovo "democracy" meant the ancient Greeks?
27Lyudi period of antiquity called their northern neighbors "barbarians" for?
28. Ana and conversations of Confucius, the founder of the religious and ethical teachings of Confucianism called?
29. The community of property proclaimed (-a, -o)
30.Osobennosti Roman law: 1) meticulous regulation of private property, 2) the importance attached to formal moment, the faithful application of terminology 3) distinct character of the slave, the connection with the religious representatives of the Romans?
31. At the heart of dogmatism lie?
32. "Tao Tsang" - is it?
33. The ancient Greek philosopher, author of the famous dictum "Man - the measure of all things" - is
34.Dlya history of political and legal doctrines supporting base are:
35. The Greek polis - a
36. Aristotle believed the most useful class of society such as
37.Opredelenie: "The direction to consider political organization of society as a complex of various associations of citizens - institutions" refers to
38. The struggle for existence is the main factor of social life count?
39. The leader of the Federalists was
40. By the end of 1830 - ies. stagnation public life replaced some of its revival. In this period it was formed by the flow of public life such as
A) Slavophilism and Westernism
41. As an ideologist and founder of liberalism in history entered
B) A. Locke
42. Call for Russian public opinion, which is characterized by the following ideas: the peculiarity of Russia's historical path, the driving force of development in the specific form of organization (eg, community); special forms of ownership and possession of land, people and government relations; development of the country is possible with the restoration of peace and understanding between the "land" (the people) and the state (king)
A) slavjanofilstvo
43.Kontseptsiyu control modern society nominated American sociologists George. Burnham, Daniel Bell, B. Beckwith. It was called
D) technocracy
44. The author of the work "will to power", "Thus Spake Zarathustra" is
A) Nietzsche
45. The founder of the "theory of elites" is
D) Pareto
46. \u200b\u200bThe representative of Russian liberal thought in the second half of the 19th century. It was
B) Chicherin BN
47. The main feature of the political system of the Soviet Republic, established during the civil war, is
D) one-party dictatorship in the inequality of citizens' rights
48.Issledovat society through "geometric method" I tried
B) Spinoza
49. executive branch applies
A) Government
50. The first developed the concept of state sovereignty
A) F. Boden
51. "The theory of violence" put forward
D) L. Gumplowicz
52. Marx and Engels called "barracks communism" model communist society
B) A. M. Bakunin
53. "police socialism" in Russia have implemented
D) B. Zubatov and G. A. Gapon
54. Reduce the laws of social development to the biological laws of natural selection trying representatives
A) Social Darwinism
55. The Council - the authority
B) combining legislative, executive and control functions
56. The right of people to resist oppression by any means (including violence) allowed
D) T. Munzer
57. Emigration AI Herzen published the newspaper
B) "The Bell"
58. The author of the "Declaration of Independence" is
B) Thomas Jefferson
59. The author of the "Declaration of Independence" is
B) T. Jefferson
60. Definition: "A state in which power belongs to the representatives of the nobility," refers to a form of government
A) aristocracy
61. Representatives of the "historical school of law" were
B) Hugo G., K. Savigny, G. Puhta
62. Call for Russian public opinion, which is characterized by the following ideas: the recognition of the development community in Russia and Europe, the usefulness of the progress of civilization, individual liberty, a sharp rejection of the official theory of "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality"
B) Westernism
63. The idea of \u200b\u200b"categorical imperative" put forward
B) I. Piping
64. In his book "The Spirit of Laws" constitutional - monarchical form of government advocated
D) Montesquieu
65. Social class -
B) large social groups, bringing together people with
40. By the end of 1830 - ies. stagnation public life replaced some of its revival. In this period it was formed by the flow of public life such as
A) Slavophilism and Westernism
41. As an ideologist and founder of liberalism in history entered
B) A. Locke
42. Call for Russian public opinion, which is characterized by the following ideas: the peculiarity of Russia's historical path, the driving force of development in the specific form of organization (eg, community); special forms of ownership and possession of land, people and government relations; development of the country is possible with the restoration of peace and understanding between the "land" (the people) and the state (king)
A) slavjanofilstvo
43.Kontseptsiyu control modern society nominated American sociologists George. Burnham, Daniel Bell, B. Beckwith. It was called
D) technocracy
44. The author of the work "will to power", "Thus Spake Zarathustra" is
A) Nietzsche
45. The founder of the "theory of elites" is
D) Pareto
46. \u200b\u200bThe representative of Russian liberal thought in the second half of the 19th century. It was
B) Chicherin BN
47. The main feature of the political system of the Soviet Republic, established during the civil war, is
D) one-party dictatorship in the inequality of citizens' rights
48.Issledovat society through "geometric method" I tried
B) Spinoza
49. executive branch applies
A) Government
50. The first developed the concept of state sovereignty
A) F. Boden
51. "The theory of violence" put forward
D) L. Gumplowicz
52. Marx and Engels called "barracks communism" model communist society
B) A. M. Bakunin
53. "police socialism" in Russia have implemented
D) B. Zubatov and G. A. Gapon
54. Reduce the laws of social development to the biological laws of natural selection trying representatives
A) Social Darwinism
55. The Council - the authority
B) combining legislative, executive and control functions
56. The right of people to resist oppression by any means (including violence) allowed
D) T. Munzer
57. Emigration AI Herzen published the newspaper
B) "The Bell"
58. The author of the "Declaration of Independence" is
B) Thomas Jefferson
59. The author of the "Declaration of Independence" is
B) T. Jefferson
60. Definition: "A state in which power belongs to the representatives of the nobility," refers to a form of government
A) aristocracy
61. Representatives of the "historical school of law" were
B) Hugo G., K. Savigny, G. Puhta
62. Call for Russian public opinion, which is characterized by the following ideas: the recognition of the development community in Russia and Europe, the usefulness of the progress of civilization, individual liberty, a sharp rejection of the official theory of "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality"
B) Westernism
63. The idea of \u200b\u200b"categorical imperative" put forward
B) I. Piping
64. In his book "The Spirit of Laws" constitutional - monarchical form of government advocated
D) Montesquieu
65. Social class -
B) large social groups, bringing together people with