🔥Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn Edition🎮XBOX + 🎁

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After payment, you will instantly receive activation of the game 🔥Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn Edition for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - to your Microsoft (Xbox) account!

❗Before purchasing, be sure to read the product description and read the instructions at the very bottom. After payment you receive a unique code, which must be reported to the seller in correspondence regarding the order.
You will also need to provide login information for your Microsoft (xbox) account https://login.live.com (mail and password).
You can find the order you need here https://oplata.info, click on the order and go down until you see the correspondence with the seller.

🎮 The game is forever associated with your Microsoft account!
🌎 You can download the game in any region and at any time, with all available languages!
⌛ Guarantee!

Buy now and you'll receive the following with Beyond the Dawn:
✅ A set of elegant suits
✅ Special costumes and hairstyles for Alfen and Shion
✅ 4 excl. culinary recipes
✅ Mapo curry pie recipe
✅ Fishing dish recipe
✅ Oriental rice recipe
✅ Fruit sandwich recipe
✅ 12 products

✔ Materials will be available in the game after receiving them from the list of unobtained DLC after the release of the add-on.
✔ Cooking recipes are the same as those sold as part of the pre-order bonus set. Duplicate recipes will not be included.

🎁You can pick up your gift if you write a positive review in the “GIFT CERTIFICATE” section

📝 Write to us in the chat and we will purchase the product you are interested in as soon as possible and at an adequate price!!!

Activation takes place on a Microsoft account (Xbox)
After payment you will receive a UNIQUE CODE (https://oplata.info/info/). It, along with the mail and password from the Microsoft account, must be reported to the operator in the "Correspondence with the seller" section.
Login email@email.com
Password 123456Qwerty
We work as quickly as possible ❤️‍🔥, the service is completed within 15-60 minutes, provided there is no queue, but no more than 24 hours from the moment of payment.