Takagi Yoshin Ryu Ju Jutsu

The collector of ancient schools of Ninjutsu and their tireless researcher, Momot, again encouraged readers to the next product on the subject. It would seem - what else can you surprise the experienced reader, come upon a secret art nindztsu from books and videos? It turned out - there is nothing.

Takagi Yoshino Ryu - all right to explore and use. It is not clear why this school was assigned the rank of a canonical Bujinkan schools - in fact, a kind of samurai jujutsu clean water, with its own characteristics, of course.

If you try to analyze the technique of this school (even if this book), you will haunt some of déjà vu - somewhere I've already seen everything? My answer is - no less famous (but earlier) Tutorial Horst Wolf, "Combat Judo", enjoyed in the former Soviet Union is very popular among BI enthusiasts. Like it or not - and most of all the same techniques of jiu-jitsu, performed just in a different way. What is different - so it's a tactic application, which does not and can not be adversarial. From a rational movement and the most effective use. elbow lever can be performed differently, for example. And Takagi Yoshino Ryu it looks convincing Sambo and Judo at the expense of other tasks - to injure "the client". So if you - sambo or judo, the development of this technology will be a matter of simple for you, the main thing - to change the mood of the outcome of the match. The rest - a trick. You and so it is likely to know.