SUM Kontr.rabota.Fin.plan - nie.Byudzhetirovanie (D or F)

If the total amount of your purchases from the seller kerzhaev more than:
- 2567 ₽ the discount is 12%
- 1283 ₽ the discount is 5%
- 428 ₽ the discount is 1%

Sold 1
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0

Task 1 (volume of response is one or two pages).

1 The job involves the study of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and scientific articles. It is recommended to submit quotations from at least five authors with the exact sources.

Options Reference 1:

1.1. Give the definition of budgeting by various authors. Analyze presented definitions and conclusions.

Task 5. Methods of financial planning.

Background to the assignment given in Table 5. 4. To carry out its tasks option to choose 5 of the Table. 4, only those parameters that are necessary for the calculation (in control task should not transfer all the raw data).

Table 4.

Indicators February 1

Planned expenditure on raw materials form A production, mln. Rub. 1000 2000

The residue feedstock type A at the beginning of the planning period, mln. Rub. 100 300

The residue feedstock type A at the end of the planning period, mln. Rub. 200 400

The average annual value of fixed assets in the first quarter, with the planned linear depreciation method, mln. Rub. 108.5 163.75

The average annual value of intangible assets in the first quarter of the plan year, mln. Rub. 248356

Property tax rate,% 2.2 2.2

The useful life of property, May 4 years

The initial value of fixed assets, mln. Rub. 140350

Net book value of fixed assets at the beginning of the plan year, mln. Rub. 112175

The initial cost of the equipment A, ths. Rub. 700 1200

A residual value of the equipment at the beginning of the plan year, ths. Rub. 320900

The volume of production in the planned year, mln. Rub. 2000 4000

The volume of production, projected for the entire life of the machine C, mln. Rub. 18000 24000

The initial cost of the machine C, ths. Rub. 800 1500

The initial cost of equipment D, thous. Rub. 500 600

The growth in the Central Federal District,% 20 30

Fixed costs CFA, mln. Rub. 250140

Variable costs CFA, mln. Rub. 350260

Options Task 5:

5.10. Calculate the regulations by the planned depreciation of equipment D in January next year by the sum of numbers of years of useful life. The equipment used for the second year. What is the norm is essential for planning (federal, regional, local or internal standard of enterprise)? For calculations using data column of Table 2. 4.

The useful life of fixed assets 4 years

The initial cost of equipment D, thous. Rub. 600

Task 6. Develop a financial plan by a percentage of sales.

The results of the enterprise activity on the options listed in the table. 5.

The company plans to increase sales in the coming year by 20%. The cost price is expected to reach 60%, 8% selling expenses and administrative expenses 12% of the planned revenues. This year's production capacity by 100% loaded. It is assumed that the cost of assets and liabilities Article spontaneously changing balance proportional to the change in sales. The adopted dividend policy provides for annual payments to the owners of 40% of net profit.

Develop a financial plan by a percentage of sales. The decision to present a forecast of the profit and loss account and the forecast balance.

What is the need for additional funding (through equity and debt sources)?

Explain what external sources, and the extent to which plan to use.

Performance of the company in the reporting year (in mln. Rubles).

Table 5.

Options task 6 6.1.

Revenue 4800

Interest 800

Cash 400

Accounts receivable 700

Stocks of 1400

Non-current assets 2,700

Accounts Payable 1600

Short-term borrowings 0

Long-term borrowings 1,500

The authorized capital 1000

Retained earnings 1100

7. Specify cash flow planning and development of the forecast balance sheet.

Calculate cash flow plan year for operational activity by an indirect method, and make the forecast balance for the end of the year.

Background to the assignment given in Table 7. 6. To fulfill its tasks 7 variants to choose from Table. 6, only those parameters that are necessary for the calculation (in control task should not transfer all the raw data).

Performance of the company (in mln. Rubles).

Table 6.

Options for setting 7 7.5.

Non-current assets at year 2400

Reserves at year's beginning 630

Accounts receivable at year 900

Cash at year 800

Shareholders' equity at year 1630

Long-term liabilities at year's beginning 1400

Short-term loans this year 800

Accounts receivable at year 900

Net profit 700

Depreciation 150

Increase in inventories of raw materials 100

Reduction of stocks of finished goods 100

Increase in accounts receivable

Decrease in accounts receivable 220

Increase in accounts payable

Decrease in accounts payable 90

Obtaining long-term loan 240

Getting a short term loan 130

Return of short-term loan 80