Structural design and construction programs

Structural design and construction programs - iodine E.

At the current level, we discussed the principles and methods of structured programming, allowing to obtain reliable and well-documented work program. Set out constructive development strategy is relatively simple programs implemented and maintained. To analyze in detail the so-called top-down approach to building software and its variants. The features and style of the modular and structured programming, software testing methods and possible debugging

The book is designed for programmers - including beginners - and the leaders of groups of software. Thanks engineers focus it is also of great interest to a wide range of specialists in computer science.

Despite decent "age" of this book (1979) described in this communication, methods and techniques are highly relevant and applicable today. The book can be very useful for students in the writing of control and course works on the theory of programming.

Year of edition: 1979

The volume of the book: 416.

File Format: DJVU

The total file size: 5.4 Mb

Files are archived archiver WinRAR 3.80.

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