Strategy The current strategy. Vyp.6 2010 Rus \\ Eng

Ed. 2010.

Issue 6 of the series of modern strategy Gm Peter Wells

Appearance page e-book: e-book format is similar .cbh and complies with Chess-Practic.

Archive: e-book .cbh open the program ChessBase 9-11, Fritz 9-12
Rus - text pages in Russian.

Eng - material in the near term on the translation into Russian. Updates can be downloaded from the same link.

Information about the new translations will be posted on the website in the News


1. The tension in the center part 1. Eng = 131 Strategy =

The modern view of solutions: 1. Problem e5 pawns 'wedge' and dreary 'static center' 2. Save unstable center - a few cautionary policies

2. Tension in the center part 2. Eng = 132 Strategy =

Continued: 3. Impact progress ... c7-c6 4. Art extract concessions from the position 'tension' 5. Return of dynamic factors into a single picture 6. Maintain tension or let

3. Security king in simplified positions. Eng = 133 Strategy =

How do we determine the stage of the endgame? In the modern game, the criteria may differ significantly from the standard.

4. Well-motivated, but a surprising movement h-pawn. Eng = 134 Strategy =

We will look at patterns, when the course of h-pawn requires close attention. 1. 2. against fianketirovannogo build against an easy figure to g6 field, especially the horse 3. To exit from the rook h1 \\ h8 multipurpose field 4. h-pawn move

5. Investigation of complex structure: insulated double c-pawn. Rus = 136 Strategy =

Features dynamic methods play both sides, unexpected tactical preconditions

6. pawn in the Sicilian race - part 1. Rus = 137 Strategy =

This is a more subtle theme and is designed for readers seeking to expand its strategic potential control agents.

7. pawn in the Sicilian race - part 2. Rus = 138 Strategy =

conversion pawn structure "3v2 against 4v3".