Strategy The current strategy. Issue 1, 2010 Rus

Ed. 2010.

Required material for practitioners players! Gm Peter Wells explains the new methods of game known and new types of positions. All material is also accompanied by estimates, plans for the game by the "Strategy of the fields."

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Archive: e-book .cbh open the program ChessBase 9-11, Fritz 9-12
Contents of this issue:

1. Light figures, the main question. RUS 77 STRATEGY

The first topic we will consider features exchanges lung figures and estimate the change of positions and game plans.

2. Some thoughts on 'long-term' victims. RUS 78 STRATEGY

The second theme - are examples of different types of victims: to maintain the initiative, safety, victims of heavy figures.

The impact of psychological factors.

3. Some thoughts on the initiative. RUS 79 STRATEGY

The importance of developing initiatives in the opening, premature activity, precision "strike" in the modern sense.

4. Many of the parties in a position with doubled pawns. RUS 80 STRATEGY

The weak and strong fields and color systems. Dynamics and rapid capture of key fields.

5. Aggressive pair of elephants: a guide for protection. RUS 81 STRATEGY

The technical design of the elite players: Kramnik, Kasparov, Shirov. Learning the game in the middlegame.

6. Secrets reversed debuts. RUS 82 STRATEGY

Playing white reverse debuts, but maintaining excess tempo. The new quest tempo.

7. Spirit gambit - pawn sacrifice: the old and the new. RUS 83 STRATEGY

Features modern gambits: opening line, positional pawn sacrifice. It requires understanding.

8. The isolated pawn - a grim prospect? The strength and weakness. RUS 85 STRATEGY

The modern view. Good addition to the book Reinhold Ripperger: "The positions with an isolated queen's pawn."

9. Space and center. RUS 86 STRATEGY

Note the relationship of space and center! When you need to be active in the center, and when on the flanks.

10. Thoughts on the art of using the rook. RUS 87 STRATEGY

Game rook against other figures, the use of open lines of positional initiative. The attack on the enemy king. An important role in the early middlegame boat that is not widely discussed in the literature. A good educational material.