Creating an advertising platform with a bot in a telegr

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Do you know where the biggest money goes after trading
drugs, weapons, alcohol and prostitution? Right in
advertising. Advertising is an integral part of any trade, without advertising
not a single product will be sold in large volumes. So in
everyone is interested in advertising. Offline advertising in 1
six months of 2018 amounted to 220 billion rubles and on the Internet only 90
billion think about these numbers. (link to a resource with information Advertising
the internet market is only gaining momentum - and I suggest grabbing
his golden piece from him!
And so you probably guessed what it was me.
- Yes, we will create an advertising platform in a telegram, and
more precisely board, call the market as you want to receive ads and
Why do you ask me a telegram? It's simple, it's the most
dynamic, fast-growing social network - in which
It is very easy to develop even for a beginner without a lot of investment.
Tools for creating an advertising platform:
1. The official channel with individual design
2. Telegram bot
3. Maximum 2000 rubles

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