Random weapons cs:go (the secret to consumer goods)

Sold 256
Refunds 3
Good feedbacks 31
Bad feedbacks 2

After payment you will receive a special unique 16-digit code. With the code you will receive from the seller a random weapon from the game CS: GO in your purchased amount. Items to play CS: GO.

ATTENTION! This product comes in within 15 minutes after payment. Please do not be afraid if it does not come at once.
Boat sends the goods only after when I, myself send him a link to exchange specified in the correspondence with the seller.
Please do not leave negative feedback, if less than 16 hours after the purchase of this product.

Dear users.

Please note that some payment methods require an extra fee to pay. Keep this in mind when making payments. The list of goods contains the "net" price as soon as you select the items for a payment to him immediately added to the commission of a particular method of payment.

For example:
Mobile operators - 10%
Bank cards - 5%.

Lowest commission in Webmoney system.

How to get the goods?
After payment, please contact us in the section contacting the seller of goods purchased on the page, as follows:
1) Enter your link exchange:
1. Follow the link http://steamcommunity.com/id/ramrika/tradeoffers/privacy
2. Go through Steam authentication, if you have not already done so.
3. Scroll the wheel down and you will see your link exchange. It must be sent to the correspondence with the seller, together with a unique code you received after payment!
2) Enter the 16-digit code that you received after payment