Script for solving a quadratic equation
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PHP script for solving a quadratic equation. Decision through the discriminant.
The script consists of two files - a form for entering values and a class that performs calculations.
Features of the script:
Implemented validation of incoming data.
Exception Handling.
The possibility of rounding answers has been implemented.
The script is written using OOP.
All methods are documented.
The script is tested on php versions 7.0.0 and higher.
PHP version 7.0.0 or higher is required
Demo of the script
Copy file QuadraticEquation.php
Copy the index.php file (or its content into the script you need)
The script consists of two files - a form for entering values and a class that performs calculations.
Features of the script:
Implemented validation of incoming data.
Exception Handling.
The possibility of rounding answers has been implemented.
The script is written using OOP.
All methods are documented.
The script is tested on php versions 7.0.0 and higher.
PHP version 7.0.0 or higher is required
Demo of the script
Copy file QuadraticEquation.php
Copy the index.php file (or its content into the script you need)