🔶💲SimCity 4 Deluxe(Глобал)Steam

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SimCity 4 - Deluxe Edition🔒Надежность вашей покупки гарантирует Belconsole - первая международная компания с физическим магазином(а не частное лицо) на buydigi.ru , а также лично ее основатель - Владимир Бычинов.

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Вы покупаете лицензионный ключ SimCity 4 - Deluxe Edition • Steam Активация •
Издатель: Aspyr
Разработчик: Aspyr
Год издания: 2003
Локализация: EN
Возрастной рейтинг: 3+
Регион активации: WW
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Особенности игры:
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition includes the bestselling SimCity 4 and the all-new SimCity 4 Rush Hour Expansion Pack. Create the most massive region of cities ever, with a farming town, bedroom community, high-tech commercial center, and industrial backbone. Take complete control of your city's transportation system, and solve U-Drive-It missions — from fighting crime to tackling disasters. Watch your population skyrocket as you get your Sims on the go and create the ultimate living, breathing megalopolis — the most expansive SimCity 4 compilation ever.
Create an Entire Region of Cities — Weave together a tapestry of cities linked by a fully integrated transportation network and watch them share and compete for resources.Wield God-like Powers — Sculpt the landscape to create a world based on your imagination, then summon volcanoes, tornadoes, meteors, and lightning.Be a Responsive Mayor — Build a world-class city with stadiums, airports, universities, and real-world landmarks. Deploy emergency vehicles and join in the action as they battle blazes, mobs, and more.Get Insight from Your Sims — Read the rhythm of the city, from commuter hell to mellow cruising, noon-time crowds to night-time calm.Have the ultimate level of control over your city's transportation network by completely taking charge of roads, rail, air, waterways, and even vehicles. U-Drive It! missions will be presented for you to solve, such as chasing down a bank robber or apprehending a car-jacker. Choose from all-new road types including wide-avenues, suspension bridges, or one-way streets, as well as map out seamless regional networks that whisk Sims from one city to another. Wreak havoc with all-new disasters including a UFO invasion, massive wrecks at railroad crossings, and the occasional car fender bender. There are also all-new tutorials available to help you get started.
System Compatibility
SimCity was tested for performance and hardware compatibility when it was originally launched. While the classic gameplay of SimCity 4 remains unchanged, unexpected performance and graphics issues with newer systems may occur. If you experience any performance or graphics issues, we recommend running in Windowed Mode and/or Compatibility Mode to maintain the intended experience.
© 2017 Electronic Arts Inc. Electronic Arts, SimCity, EA, EA GAMES, the EA GAMES logo, Maxis and the Maxis logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved. EA GAMES™ and Maxis™ are Electronic Arts™ brands. Published and distributed by Aspyr Media, Inc. “Aspyr” and the Aspyr “star” logo are federally registered trad
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