Collection of Poetry contest winners gallery

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In this collection of poems you will find works of authors who are actively involved in the life of such an authoritative Internet

life, as the site of "samizdat" in the library Moshkova. Here, the "dwell" a huge number of writers, poets and other creative

people who are able to express themselves and to actively obtain feedback on their work. It is in

a burst of self-expression writers and poets to forget that most of their readers still is in real life,

because you need to find a way out from the Internet in real life, with real readers and admirers. Collection "Many tochiya ..." -

it is one of the few attempts to allow numerous poetry fans meet modern poetry is not

hearsay, and picking up and looked through the book.

The collection includes the works of the winners of the competition "Poetic Gallery", organized by the poet-enthusiast Ivan

Kirpichev supported by LIA Albion.