SBERMARKET|Gift card 500-100,000 rub. PRICE✅FAST

✅SBERMARKET gift card with a denomination from 500 to 100,000 rubles.🔥
✅You can pay for purchases in the online store with its help

⚠️The owner of the gift certificate needs to be authorized or registered in the SberMarket mobile application or on the website Place the required items in the cart. When placing an order, enter the unique identifier (electronic code) of your Gift Certificate in the “Apply promotional code” field.
✔️1 - Indicate the desired denomination of the gift card - the "RUB SBER" field.
✔️2 - Pay in a way convenient for you.
✔️3 - In the window that opens, check the box “Yes, I want to immediately send a unique code to the seller”, click “Save”.
✔️4 - Wait for delivery
⚠️When ordering during the day - usually within an hour, at night - in the morning.