Solving a problem in chemistry section 5 point 91
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91. The combustion reaction of benzene is expressed by thermochemical by the equation:
C6H6 (Well) + 71 / 2O2 (g of) = 6SO2 (g of) + ZN2O (g); DH =?
Calculate the the thermal effect of this reaction, if it is known, that the the mole heat of vaporization of benzene is equal to 33.9 kJ.
C6H6 (Well) + 71 / 2O2 (g of) = 6SO2 (g of) + ZN2O (g); DH =?
Calculate the the thermal effect of this reaction, if it is known, that the the mole heat of vaporization of benzene is equal to 33.9 kJ.
Detailed solution. Decorated in Microsoft Word 2003. (Target decided to use formula editor)