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🔥Our advantages:

✅ 10% discount when buying from 50 referrals, 20% discount when buying from 100 referrals
✅ Fast referral enrollment, on average 1-5 minutes from the moment of the seller's response, there are delays of up to 1-3 hours
📛 Average referral enrollment in Hamster Kombat and Rocky Rabbit is 1-4 hours, often delays of up to 24 hours
✅ No referral write-offs
✅ Convenient payment methods
✅ Referral quality

- After placing an order, be sure to provide a 16-digit unique code in the chat with the seller
- Support from the seller during the purchase of the product and after
⁃ When returning on your initiative -25% of the order value
- If the link you specified when ordering is incorrect and you did not warn the seller in advance about it, then no refund is made (after the start of processing, refunds are also not made)
- Referrals are inactive, no one will play the game and earn you points