Travel themselves - Central Russia

Group of authors.

Format PDF, 2009-2012 gg., 410 p.

This book - the first comprehensive guide to the historical and cultural nucleus of the country, designed for independent travelers. The information presented here will help not only to determine the route, but also to solve everyday problems, so often encountered in the journey: how to get, how to navigate, where a snack and spend the night.

- Detailed description of the 75 cities of Central Russia from Moscow to the quiet provincial town.

- 46 informative city maps covering all described obltsentry and part of the regional centers.

- Reviews of hundreds of attractions: churches, monasteries, castles and museums.

- Timetables of trains and buses across the region.

- For each city there are multiple low-cost accommodation and catering places.

- In a new Web publication added descriptions of several cities and the brought a number of updates as of 2011-12.