Telegram views from 1000 (100% guarantee) Telegrams

After payment you are guaranteed to get the paid number of views Before you buy, be sure to fill in the link to the channel you wish to promote. Details:
- Bots / Offers
- High speed
- Quick start
- You can twist again


Account requirements:
The channel must be public !!!
Within 0-1 hours
(Depending on the load)
The processing speed of the order depends on the time. I work on the time zone of MSC around 12:00 and until late at night
But whenever you have not paid for the goods, in the near future your order will be guaranteed to be processed and the report will be sent to the correspondent with the seller, to confirm the transaction
Before buying, be sure to fill out the link to the channel you wish to promote Get the bonus:
- After the successful transaction, press the button "PRODUCT DELIVERED"
- Leave your feedback and get 100 likes on any of your publications in INSTAGRAM (Link to which, write to the seller in advance)