The project area for the production of parts CNC Pinion

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Department of "Mechanical Engineering"

Subject: The project site using CNC machines for the production of parts such as shafts, gears





1.Harakteristika production facilities

2. Technological section

2.1.Opredelenie type of production

2.2.Sluzhebnoe appointment details and analysis of its technological

2.3.Analiz base process

2.4.Vybor blank

2.5.Proektirovanie route process

2.6.Vybor technological equipment

2.7.Opredelenie allowances, operational size and dimensions of the workpiece

2.8.Opredelenie cutting conditions

2.9.Tehnicheskoe rationing operations

2.10.Tehniko feasibility study process

2.11.Opisanie and calculation of instrumental adjustments

3.Konstruktorsky section

3.1.Proektirovanie machine tool and control devices

3.2.Vybor and design automation tools

4.Issledovatelsky section

4.1.Obrabotka external cylindrical surfaces of shafts

4.2.Otdelka teeth of cylindrical gears with external teeth

5.Proizvodstvennye calculations and development plan

5.1.Iskhodnye data

5.2.Forma organization of technological processes

5.3.Proizvodstvennaya structure area

5.4.Raschet subsystems

6.Bezopasnost and environmental project

6.1.Bezopasnost work on the projected area

6.2.Obespechenie environmental safety of the project

6.3.Bezopasnost project in emergency situations

7.Ekonomicheskaya evaluation of the project



Graphic part:

18 of the drawings.

Set Thumbnail process technology.


Note: Diploma:

Quest item for the note "6.Bezopasnost and environmental project." issued individually by the teacher BC. The material may be different from your job.

Item notes "7.Organizatsionno-economic profile." and subparagraphs require that conversion with respect to the actual prices for equipment. Just do not entirely rely on the method of calculation at this point, as each individual teacher in economics may require the use of a completely different technique.


This thesis project is not intended to pass it to the school. It can only serve as a model for self-fulfillment.
File list:

+ Forms

| + 666-12-115

|| Mar1_1.cdw

|| Mar1_2.cdw

|| Mar1_3.cdw

|| Mar1_4.cdw

|| Mar1_5.cdw

|| Mar1_6.cdw

|| Mar1_7.cdw

|| Tit1.cdw

| + 668-12-213

|| Mar1_1.cdw

|| Mar1_2.cdw

|| Mar1_3.cdw

|| Mar1_4.cdw

|| Mar1_5.cdw

| + 668-23-01

|| Mar1_1.cdw

|| Mar1_2.cdw

|| Mar1_3.cdw

|| Mar1_4.cdw

|| Mar1_5.cdw

|| Mar1_6.cdw

|| Tit1.cdw

| Karta.cdw

| Karta2.cdw

| Karta3.cdw

| Karta4.cdw

| Karta5.cdw

| Kontr1.cdw

| Kontr2.cdw

| Kontr3.cdw

| March 1.cdw

| March 2.cdw

| March 3.cdw

| March 4.cdw

| March 5.cdw

| Operats1.cdw

| Operats2.cdw

| OPERats3.cdw

| Operats4.cdw

| Titul.cdw

+ Diploma

| 1 Details for proizvodstva.doc

| 2 Technology razdel.doc

| 3 Design razdel.doc

| 4-Spetsvopros.doc

| 5 Planning and ATSS.doc

| 6 BZhD.doc

| 7 - section (economics) .doc

| Annotatsiya.doc

| Vvedenie.doc

| Zaklyuchenie.doc

| Otchet.doc

| Soderzhanie.doc

| Titulnyy.doc

| Home list.doc

+ Sheets diploma

| + Finishing techniques

|| 1.bmp

|| 10.bmp

|| 11.bmp

|| 7.bmp

|| 8.bmp

|| 9.bmp

|| Finishing techniques obrabotki.cdw

| + Specifications

|| 2sp1.cdw

|| 2sp2.cdw

|| 2sp3.cdw

|| Graphic.pdt

|| Control prisposoblenie2.cdw

|| Hobbing tool spetsifikatsiya.spw

|| Accommodation frezernoe.spw

|| Specification skhvat.spw

| + Scheme

|| 1.bmp

|| 100.bmp

|| 2.bmp

|| 3.bmp

|| 4.bmp

|| 44.bmp

|| 55.bmp

|| 6.bmp

|| 66.bmp

|| 77.bmp

|| 88.bmp

|| 99.bmp

|| Chemy.cdw

| + Processing circuit

|| 111.bmp

|| 2.bmp

|| 222.bmp

|| 3.bmp

|| 4.bmp

|| 5.bmp

|| 6.bmp

|| Scheme obrabotki.cdw

| Cravnitelnaya.cdw

| Klassifikatsiya.cdw

| Komponovka.cdw

| Test prisposoblenie.CDW

| Test prisposoblenie2.CDW

| Adjustment zubofrezernaya.cdw

| Adjustment tokarnaya.cdw

| Adjustment frezernaya.cdw

| Adjustment shlifovalnaya.cdw

| Planirovka.cdw

| Device zubofrezernoe.cdw

| Device sverlilnoe.cdw

| Accommodation frezernoe.cdw

| Skhvat.cdw

| Ekonomika.cdw

+ Calculations

| 1111.xls

| Loading st1.xls

| Loading stankov.xls

| Payment Kzo.xls

| Type Manuf BAZOVYY1.xls

| Economy 1.xls


The drawings are in the format:

cdw - Compass 9 SP2


The files are packed in rar-archive, to unpack the archive program is required.