Pricing test answers 50 questions

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Tests on discipline "Pricing", the number of questions - 50.

1. According to the degree of regulation is isolated:

a) available prices;

b) stock quotes;

c) sliding prices;

g) price indices.

2. The nature of the served turnover distinguished:

a) regulated prices;

b) the prices of auctions;

c) the maximum prices;

d) transfer prices.

3. The structure of the sale price of the enterprise include:

a) cost and profit;

b) income and exchange rates;

c) the exchange rate and the cost price;

g) cost, profit and exchange rates.

4. The structure of the trade margin include:

a) the cost of the seller;

b) excise duty;

c) profit producer of the goods;

d) VAT.

5. Indirect taxes included in the price:

a) increase its level;

b) reduce its level;

c) leave it unchanged;

d) can raise or lower the level.

6. Which of the first indirect taxes charged on excisable goods in domestic trade:

a) VAT;

b) excise duty;

c) the income tax;

d) sales tax.

7. The cost structure is:

a) the percentage of certain types of costs;

b) the level of the cost of production of the goods;

c) the material, financial and human resources of the enterprise;

d) the ratio of material, labor costs and earnings

8. Production costs include:

a) the cost of raw materials;

b) advertising costs;

c) the cost of staff salaries;

d) selling costs.

9. grouping expenses on economic elements are not included:

a) material costs net of returnable waste;

b) the cost of labor;

c) selling costs;

d) depreciation.

10. accounting articles can be determined:

a) the location of the expenditure;

b) the total cost of a particular product for the enterprise as a whole;

c) the overall cost of the enterprise;

d) proceeds from the sale of goods.

11. Mediation allowance price of goods is determined by:

a) as a percentage of the cost of goods;

b) as a percentage of the selling price;

c) as a percentage of the retail price;

d) as a percentage of the amount of material costs.

12. Between the individual branches of industry goods sold:

a) at retail prices;

b) at world prices;

c) at wholesale prices;

d) in the purchasing power of currencies.

13. Calculating the price of goods can not be performed:

a) production costs;

b) cost reduction;

c) in the shop cost;

g) in the differentiated cost.

14. The break-even point profits of the enterprise:

a) positive;

b) negative;

c) zero;

g) any of the above.

15. "Free" is:

a) the place where the goods to be delivered;

b) the place where the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer;

c) the place to which all costs of transportation are included in the price of the goods;

d) the place in which the transfer of risk from the seller to the buyer.

16. In contrast to the basic conditions of supply of "Incoterms" franking price in domestic trade does not include:

a) transportation costs;

b) costs of insurance of the goods;

c) the cost of unloading the goods;

d) packaging costs.

17. Gains in the price of goods is determined by parameters:

a) cost-effectiveness;

b) the impact of fixed assets;

c) The capital turnover;

g) the complexity.

18. Target profit:

a) a reasonable profit margin, which is the manufacturer of goods pre-defines for itself;

b) a reasonable profit margin for the buyer seller, included in the price of the goods;

c) the profits that the buyer expects to receive from the use of this product;

d) income from the rental of premises producer.

19. The method of indirect price regulation include:

a) the tax system;

b) setting prices for the products of monopolies;

c) the price freeze;

g) fixed prices and tariffs for housing and communal services.

20. Regulation of prices in Russia is based on:

a) of the Customs Control of
23. Compared to the level of internal prices for the same level of world commodity prices tend to be:

a) above;

b) below;

c) the same;

d) limit.

24. What factors contribute to the multiplicity of prices for the same goods on the world market:

a) geographic;

b) fashion;

c) time zones;

d) production technology.

25. When exporting goods contract price will be different from the domestic price of this product through:

a) refund of internal taxes;

b) reduction of production costs;

c) to reduce transport costs;

d) income tax.

26. world prices published include:

a) transfer prices;

b) the prices of catalogs and brochures;

c) the price of government procurement.

27. Estimated price indicators are:

a) parametric prices of some goods;

b) index of export and import prices;

c) The index of domestic prices;

d) transfer prices.

28. The greatest differences between the prices of actual transactions are:

a) the reference price;

b) the prices of auctions;

c) the prices of actual transactions;

d) exchange rates.

29. The basis for calculating the contract prices are:

a) the customs value;

b) the international price;

c) domestic prices;

d) transfer prices.

30. Competitive materials are:

a) the most representative indicators of domestic transactions with similar products;

b) the performance of single transactions in the global market a particular product;

c) the performance of the most representative of the world market for a particular product standard terms and conditions;

d) standards and GOST.

31. The basic rates are:

a) the price of the goods of the highest quality in a specific geographic location;

b) the price of the goods of a certain quality and a certain limited number of geographic location;

c) the price of goods a certain amount of money in a predetermined geographic location;

d) all of the above is true.

32. The prices of international commodity auctions apply to products:

a) fuel and energy complex;

b) agriculture;

c) fur products;

g) products of high technologies.

33. Prices apply to stock trading:

a) mass qualitatively similar goods;

b) a single, unique products;

c) the consumer goods;

d) intellectual property products.

34. Prices of existing contracts expressed conditions typical for the market seller and the buyer:

a) a long-term period;

b) in a short period;

c) in the medium term;

d) regardless of the period.

35. Prices of long-term contracts have become widespread in international trade:

a) consumer goods;

b) equipment;

c) commodities;

d) the results of intellectual activity.

36. The price, fixed by the slide in long-term contracts is based on:

a) basic price determined at the time of conclusion of the contract;

b) the settlement price determined on the basis of customs statistics;

c) domestic price, determined at the time of conclusion of the contract;

d) transfer price.

37.Izmeneniya in the level of real wages can be determined by comparison of nominal wages to the dynamics of one of the following:

a) the rate of profit

b) the level of prices for goods and services

c) the tax rate

d) the duration of the working week

38. The competitive firm, seeking to maximize profits should hire additional workers only if:

total revenue less total costs;

the value of the marginal product in money terms is reduced;

marginal product of labor in monetary terms exceeds the rate of wages;

the value of the marginal product in terms of money is growing.


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