Practical cryptography algorithms and programming

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This book is intended primarily for those who are interested not only in the theoretical aspects of cryptology, but the practical implementation of algorithms for cryptography and cryptanalysis. In the book, a lot of attention paid to the issues of computer cryptanalysis and logic programming secure cryptosystems. The book is presented in a way that it will be useful both for the uninitiated reader, as well as for highly skilled professionals who want to broaden their horizons and take a fresh look at the aspect of cryptographic information protection systems. This book is not about any specific software products, on the contrary read the book, prepared by the reader will be able to create their own software containing cryptographic algorithms.

In addition to standard tools and popular single-key encryption, the book explores the unusual algorithms that can be used in practice, original and unusual approaches to encryption and cryptanalysis that can significantly broaden their horizons even an experienced specialist. Those interested in creating their own shifrosistem will also be interesting and useful to many historical references for the establishment of block encryption systems.

Thus, this book will be very useful for students as appropriate specialties or just interested in computer technology, as well as experts in the field of information security and the development of appropriate software. The book is practical and, along with a variety of descriptions of codes contains source code, implementing them. The book can be useful as a guide or textbook.

Cryptography today - it is a whole branch of knowledge, addictive huge sections of other sciences, whose aim is the study and creation of cryptographic transformations and algorithms. At present, clearly distinguished two branches of cryptography: classical cryptography and modern traditional "asymmetric" cryptography.

This book is a classic traditional cryptography for symmetric cryptosystems, block and stream ciphers. After reading the book, the reader will be able to freely navigate in the classical scheme of encryption and cryptanalysis of existing architectures of building block and stream ciphers, as well as modern and advanced methods of analysis.

The authors hope that this book, together with the other books on the topic, more distant from the practical side of cryptography and carrying more than theoretical information will be a good training and reference tool for the implementation and verification of the software encryption.


Struct of chapters, or How to Read This Book

For whom and what this book

Work tools that can be useful to the reader

On the question of terminology,


Modern cryptography

Types of symmetric ciphers

The principles of cryptanalysis

CHAPTER 3. decrypting ciphers CLASSICAL

Retreat for programmers

Disclosure simple substitution ciphers

Fast simple substitution ciphers disclosure

Decryption cipher XOR

Gold cryptography

Chapter 4. How to arrange a modern ciphers

The appearance of block ciphers

Feistel network

SP-networks and Feistel ciphers

Lucifer cryptosystem

Pervye encryption standards

Architecture SQUARE: 3-WAY to AES

Cipher mode

The device stream ciphers

CHAPTER 5 Decryption modern ciphers

Development and evaluation of replacement units

DES decryption

AES cryptographic tests

Application of genetic algorithms


Data compression algorithms

Arithmetic coding

Cryptographic compression

Chapter 7 Implementing encryption tasks

Use single XOR

Cryptographic protection of sources

Research software which implements cryptographic algorithms