Getting bacteriorhodopsin analogues

Mironov EV

Biosynthetic obtain bacteriorhodopsin analogues

03.00.23 - Biotechnology




LITERATURE REVIEW. Halophilic bacteria and bacteriorhodopsin for Biotechnology 6

1. halobacteria

1.1. Application of halophilic bacteria in biotechnology

1.2. Halobacterium salinarum

2. The purple membrane and rhodopsins halobacteria

3. Bacteriorhodopsin: structure and function

4. The main ways to change the parameters photocycle bacteriorhodopsin

4.1. Physical and chemical exposure

4.2. Replacing the chromophore

4.3. Targeted amino acid substitutions

5. The technical application of bacteriorhodopsin

5.1. Bacteriorhodopsin as a photochromic molecular material

5.2. Making the holographic images on films containing bacteriorhodopsin

5.3. Holographic interferometry

5.4. Processing of video

5.5. The molecular memory based on bacteriorhodopsin

5.6. Molecular photoreceptors based on bacteriorhodopsin


1. The choice of objects of study

2. Oxidative modification trimetiltsiklogeksenovogo ring retinoids

3. The synthesis of analogues of retinal

4. chromophore cavity bacteriorhodopsin

5. Analysis of the data on the effect of point mutations on the properties of the amino acid sequence of bacteriorhodopsin

6. Analogs bacteriorhodopsin

6.1. Cultivation H. salinarum

6.2. Getting bacteriorhodopsin analogues

6.3. The stability of the preparations during prolonged storage bacteriorhodopsin

6.4. Features photocycle bacteriorhodopsin analogues


1. Synthesis of analogues of retinal

2. Preparation of drugs purple membranes

3. Preparation of bacteriorhodopsin analogues




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