Full base of Russian RSS aggregators. 15.04.11

Sold 1
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0

Unique database RSS directories. As part of the 112 Russian news aggregator with the ability to add your feed.

Total PR - 231

total TIC - 18700

The Yak - 15 Resources

in DMOZ - 90 Resources

Require a link back - 4 resources

What may be helpful to the promotion by adding resource RCC directories:

1.Uskorenie indexing your new articles after publication as a description and a link to the post is already in your aggregator.

Search engines are usually very fast indexing them, and come to your blog to see what's what.

2. Since the announcement of the post falls instantly in RSS aggregator, thanks to this announcement, we can not get a bad drive targeted traffic to your blog.

3. Due to the announcements and new visitors can increase the number of subscribers to our RSS feed.

4. Many RSS aggregators are not hidden from search engine links, and therefore has a good chance to get a free good reference.

5. RSS promote the good that we add a link to the RSS feed once, and then automatically add aggregators already announcements of your posts.

It is reasonable from different angles to approach the promotion of your resources. It is necessary in the asset base of the optimizer and prodvizhentsev)