Pinstripe is an emotionally charged adventure in hell, created entirely by a team of one person in five years. Play as Teddy, a former outcast minister who went to the icy afterlife to find her three-year-old daughter Bo and her pervert kidnapper. Learn the dark secrets of the past Teddy and start confronting his vile demonic avenger, Mr. Pinstraypu.

Thomas Bush, creator of the award-winning indie games Coma and Skinny, demonstrates a stunning graphic style, a breathtaking level and a bone-breaking story, influenced by The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline and Alice in Wonderland.

Explore six unforgettably beautiful levels of hell.
Listen to a unique, fascinating soundtrack written by the creator of the game.
Use the toy slingshot to make your way through interesting puzzles and freakish monsters.
Stay in the company of your pet George and look for clues.
Discover the mystery behind the death of Teddy and Beau.