Панов В.А. Гражданско-правовой режим документов в сфере

Panov, VA Civil-law mode of documents in the field of entrepreneurship: Diss. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences. - Kazan: Kazan State University. VI Ulyanov-Lenin, 2006. - 163 p.



Chapter 1. Concept and types of documents in the field of entrepreneurship

§ 1. The concept of "enterprise document." Civil legal value of documents in the field of entrepreneurship

§ 2. The classification of documents in the field of entrepreneurial activity: a civil dimension

Chapter 2. Document in business as an element of the structure of the civil turnover

§ 1. The legal nature of documents in the field of entrepreneurship

§ 2. Problems of civil circulation of electronic documents in business



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