Relationship Parent - Child Liked

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Thousands of people react in the same way as you do when you first hear it
statement. Refusing to believe in their right to choose, you deny one of
great abilities. If, on the contrary, you decide to take your
the ability to choose, you have to believe in it 100%. Or even then do not believe
absolutely. You should not be limited to the belief that you can choose life
only in certain circumstances. For example, among all living beings on this
planet only man has the ability to laugh. Do you believe that sometimes
This ability comes to you, and sometimes not? Of course, do not believe. You yourself
You choose whether you want to laugh or not, regardless of the circumstances.
The ability to choose exists only in material terms. As parents,
where you get to each of your incarnations, are part of your
the material world, they are included in a set of what you choose to your
birth. You have chosen as the environment, gender and body that you need to
live experience of your current life plan. Your selection has been carried out with
using your spiritual adviser. The next book I need to dwell
on what is happening in the world of the soul between two lives.