Basis of audit (RGTEU)

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Introduction 3

1. Theoretical task: 4

The principles and objectives of dialogue with the leadership of the economic entity. The principles of communication. The objectives and forms of communication. 4

Federal rules (standards) of audit. Russian rules (standards) of audit activity. The approved federal rules (standards) of audit activity. 6

2. Practice

JSC "Autoworld" and auditing firm "Audit" concluded a contract for the audit of financial and economic activity of the society and validation of the accounting (financial) statements for 2005. The main activity of "Autoworld" is the production of parts for automobiles.

Key performance indicators and financial results are presented in Tab.1 and 2 (as of January 1, 2006).

Using rules (standards) of audit activity "Materiality and Audit Risk", select a baseline for calculating the level of materiality for the "Autoworld", and set the maximum allowable limit mistakes in reporting, given the specificity of the financial and economic activities of "Autoworld", using Chart 3 .

A single indicator of the level of materiality is distributed between the articles of organization proportional to its structure, using Chart 4 and 5.

Analyze and evaluate the identified during the audit factual errors, compare them with the maximum permissible size errors in the financial statements of "Autoworld".

Do conclusion of importance identified in the audit violations.

The results of the audit of financial and economic activities of "Autoworld" for 2005. It revealed the following violations:

In connection with the formation of wrong accounting of proceeds from the sale (sale) of products accounts receivable was understated by 94 875 rub .;

As a result of the partial reflection received and paid invoices from suppliers was an understatement of accounts payable to 233420 rubles .;

Application of the write-off of raw materials in the production of parts for the machines are not in conformity with of "Autoworld" in accounting policies have led to an underestimation of residual materials in stock in the amount of 34,557 rubles.

Analysis of violations take the form of tab.6.

Table 1

References 18

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the amount of work - 17 pages

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