Processing "1C: Linking 8» (v1.4)

With this treatment can effectively deal with duplicate directory entry that may appear after repeated or improper handling and data synchronization (catalogs and documents), as well as user input errors. Treatment works in any configuration on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8", it is useful for users, administrators and programmers 1C.
The directory indicates the type of processing elements which zadvoilis, select all elements including zadvoennye element replacement. Wrong (unnecessary) elements replacement marked for deletion. Selects the document type for which to search, can also be set for the period of the documents to be searched, you can select the type of directory (for references therein). If the document type or directory is not specified - the search is for all configuration objects (directories and documents). To replace the (installation) references in the documents is possible, for holding documents indicate mode of (the replacement of such documents to be celebrated replaced by reference). To find all the objects necessary to replace click the "Find" list of replacement details in objects will indicate in a table of the objects found. The table can make visual inspection of objects which will be replaced. When you click "Replace" for all objects found in the particulars specified in the table will be set by reference to the exchangeable object. In marked for deletion objects can produce the standard "Find and delete objects marked" by replacing all references to deleted items in the burst mode, you can delete replaced (not necessary) elements of the information base.