Obduction - NEW account GOG Global💳0% fees Card

Buying this product you instantly get a GOG account with a licensed game Obduction
- without regional restrictions (region free; Global account)
- The phone is not attached.
- You can change the account data to your

Account registered by us personally. Sold only in one hand. Besides you, the login and password of the purchased account, no one has ever seen.

Unlike other accounts on the market with Obduction, this account will stay with you forever, because He received legally. There are no returns

The main differences between our accounts, from the accounts of all other stores:
1. Accounts are clean, not hacked.
2. Accounts are given an eternal guarantee.
3. On accounts other than our bot, no one has ever logged in before.
4. Our account has no and never had a previous owner.

Instructions after purchase:
1. Download and install the GOG GALAXY application https://www.gog.com/galaxy and log in with your login and password.
2. Open the library, download the Obduction game from the official servers. After that you can play.