If the total amount of your purchases from the seller _11KOT11_ more than:
- 89788 ₽ the discount is 5%
- 44894 ₽ the discount is 3%
- 8979 ₽ the discount is 2%
Sold 1
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0
🔥 Accounts were registered personally by the seller, full access to mail, date of birth for password recovery!
🔥You will be the first owner
🔥Data you receive instantly after purchase
🔥After purchase, you will be able to change all the data and activate Two-factor authentication
1. Go to the mail that will be indicated in the text file (
2. Send a password recovery email (On the PSN website)
3. Change password
4. Change PSN account email and activate two-factor authentication
5. In no case should you try to buy games or replenish the balance from cards of other regions (other than Turkey)
❤️ If you are satisfied with the work done, leave a review! Thanks in advance