MySQL database with music 2023 (113 million songs)
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When purchasing a product, you will receive a link to download a 5.00 GB ZIP archive with SQL files (dump of MySQL database). Weight after unpacking: 39.9 GB.
Relevance of the database - August 2023
Each table and field is marked with comments so that you understand what is in this field.
There are 7 tables in the database. 4 main and 3 auxiliary.
- albums 14773454 (14.7 million) records - Albums (id, title (album name), releaseDate (release date), year (year), genre (genre))
- artists - 7954121 (7.9 million) entries - Artists (id, name (Artist name))
- labels - 2189594 (2.1 million) records - Labels (id, name (Label name))
- tracks - 113141050 (113.1 million) records - Songs (id, title (Title), duration (Duration in seconds), artists_name (Names of all artists added here for convenience, so you don't have to drag them through links)
- album_label - Table for linking albums to labels to know which albums belong to which labels
- album_track - A table to link albums to songs so you know which song is from which album
- track_artist - A table for linking songs and artists to know which artists perform which song
Relevance of the database - August 2023
Each table and field is marked with comments so that you understand what is in this field.
There are 7 tables in the database. 4 main and 3 auxiliary.
- albums 14773454 (14.7 million) records - Albums (id, title (album name), releaseDate (release date), year (year), genre (genre))
- artists - 7954121 (7.9 million) entries - Artists (id, name (Artist name))
- labels - 2189594 (2.1 million) records - Labels (id, name (Label name))
- tracks - 113141050 (113.1 million) records - Songs (id, title (Title), duration (Duration in seconds), artists_name (Names of all artists added here for convenience, so you don't have to drag them through links)
- album_label - Table for linking albums to labels to know which albums belong to which labels
- album_track - A table to link albums to songs so you know which song is from which album
- track_artist - A table for linking songs and artists to know which artists perform which song