invitation / music-vid / musicvid / MV – this is a great tracker for lovers of music video. It includes videos in a great number, as well concerts and live performances. The resource is known for its close-knit community at the local forum there is a section where you can get a fairly rare invitation to other trackers. Music-Vid is currently one of the last and best sites for music videos.
Music-Vid is the best tracker for music videos whether official or live shows. The tracker also allows its users to post full music-video DVDs and documentaries of music artists/bands. It has made its mark in the BitTorrent community with its most experienced and seasoned encoders who do not compromise for the quality of the videos without caring about the file size, thereby simply giving you the best quality of music videos that you can download off the Internet.
A list of of genres and video types are available which sort the videos into various categories. Foreign (non-english) music videos are also available as the tracker has members from all the parts of the world. The foreign material collection is also good plus there is nothing to beat the English music video collection there.
After payment you will get a 16-digit code that must tell me. After that, you will be sent an invite or account to the postal address given in payment.
Delivery is usually within 2-3 hours, maximum - during the day.